All of the information such as but not limited to the floor size, price, address, and related information found on the website is provided as a convenience in SAF Warriors Real Estate Website. It has been provided by a third-party service.

SAF Warriors Real Estate Website Online

By putting information online on SAF Warriors Real Estate Website site information was passed on from a third party. The franchise does not verify that this information is correct and neither the LJ Hooker franchise or licensing company or anyone associated with the suppliers has checked to make sure this information is accurate. They have posted the information and passed it on to those visiting the page. They do not accept direct or indirect liability for any loss, injury, or damage from this information. This includes but is not limited to loss of profits or money or other losses as a result of information that has been posted on the website.

Calculators Use in Our Website

If you have any questions about the website you should seek out your legal advice and get further information on a specific property found on the site.

The prices placed on SAF Warriors Real Estate Website were current when the property was placed online. Prices may change at any time and the units are subject to availability.

Calculators: the calculators on the site are used for an estimate only. They are not quotes or prequalifications. You may want to speak to a financial advisor before continuing.

Hyper Links Located at Our Website

Hyperlinks and Third-Party Sites: SAF Warriors Real Estate Website may have links to a third party site. These sites are for reference use only.  LJ Hooker does not have control over the content on these sites and is not responsible for the information found on these sites. The websites are not endorsed by this company. A person should use them at their own risk. Before sharing any personal information it is important to read the privacy policy on each site. LJ Hooker may receive a commission for the hyperlink by the third party. LJ Hooker does not have to disclose nay rewards or commissions and may only be asked to do so to the extent that is required by the law.

Use of Information At Our Website

Use of the site: this site cannot be used for any unlawful purpose or anything that is not listed n the terms and conditions. You agree not to:

Use the site for abuse or harm to another

Share any email or information on the site that is unlawful or obscene

Use of Automated Scripting Programmes

Use any automated scripting programs

Spam the site

Impersonate a company representative

Use the material that does against computer codes or spread viruses on the site

Changes to the Website: SAF Warriors Website may change the site or make improvements to the information and other materials on this site. They may also take down the site without notice. The terms and conditions may be modified and can be accessed on the site. Using the site states that a user agrees with the terms and conditions.

Governing Laws at SAF Warriors Website

Governing Laws: the terms and conditions follow the laws of Australia. There is strict enforcement of these terms. Any legal action between the company and the user will be brought up in the competent jurisdiction.

Liveability: The Liveability Property Marketing Features may offer to reduce costs at times.

Information found in this does not look at the specific needs of the buyer.

A decision by the buyer is made solely on their part.