There are several surprises about homeowners’ insurance you probably didn’t know. One is that, in most states, insurance brokers aren’t legally liable for failing to properly inform you of policies best fitting your needs. As you continue reading, you will learn about other similar surprises and discover how to find coverage best suiting your requirements.
Many coverage subcategories, also known as “divided coverages,” are included under the “Homeowners’ Insurance” umbrella. Dwelling coverage covers your house, “Other Structures” protection covers structures, like garages, sheds and pool houses, separated from your house. Personal property protection covers items inside your home, like furniture and artworks. “Loss of Use” protection provides for alternate accommodations when your house can’t be lived in. Personal liability protection pays for legal issues related to injuries caused by the owner or by hazards on his/her property, while Medical Payments coverage pays medical bills for injuries suffered by …